Monday, June 10, 2024

Case-It 2025 Print Survey & Pencil Cases Classroom Donation Opportunity



 Case-It needs our help and input on their 2025 Print Designs. Take their survey on what prints are your favorite and you'll be entered in a list to receive 10% off your purchase coupon on any purchase through the months of July and August. 

Teachers, 🍎 if you take their 2025 Print Survey, you will be able to receive 24 pencil cases for your classroom. After taking the survey, email from your school email address with proof you took the survey and a valid shipping address that is not a P.O. Box.  Please provide a school identification if you are unable to email from your school email address. 

Also, every teacher that has their name entered 5 extra times into the last question, Case-It will include additional pencil cases in their donation to your class! So, teachers, be sure to share the survey and get your students/parents to take the survey, too!

What a wonderful giveaway opportunity, teachers and a chance for you to give your input on what prints are your favorite! Teachers, if you have any questions, please email Case-It, as well. Also, be sure to head to their website and scroll down to join the Case-It newsletter so you can keep up with their deals and special offers.  That's how I learned about their pencil cases classroom donation for teachers. 🍎

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